Tag Archives: Interior Design

Eyegasm #2


Enjoy the latest and greatest in visuals from the interwebs!

Art — Midweek Miscellaneous


Some random art to jolt you into gear or inspire you for the rest of the week. I know I need it! Enjoy


– M


Style Guide #2 — Interior Design Inspiration


Remember when you were a kid and having a cool room was the biggest deal? Me too!! Having the best posters or the nicest decoration meant the world to you as a child. Then we grow up. Student loan bills rack up, we have to put gas in our car, buy groceries all that STUFF. And sometimes having a stunning interior is a priority that falls to the way side.  But, having an interesting, or soothing space to return to at the end of your day is equally as important as an adult. If you are looking for some inspiration to make some small changes to your abode. Look no further.


– M